
To add a video clip to the screen:

View an interactive example

Video element properties

In the example above:

  • video_sources: An array of variants with different MIME types for the same video. The player selects the source that can be played on the platform.
  • repeatable: Determines whether the video automatically repeats after playback is complete.
  • autostart: Determines whether playback starts automatically.
  • muted: Determines whether the sound is muted during playback.
  • preview: A line that contains a preview image in Base64 encoding that is displayed until the player finishes rendering the first video frame.
  • elapsed_time_variable: Contains the name of the variable that stores the current position of video playback in milliseconds. When the variable value is changed from the outside, the player follows the variable value to set the playback position.
  • height: Video element container height.
  • width: Video element container width.

For a detailed description of the video element properties, see the element reference book.

Playback control

The video element only contains the player properties. All video playback control elements are implemented by calling the div-action actions.

Sample code for video playback start
  "type": "image",
  "scale": "fit",
  "image_url": "https://sample_host/image.png",
  "actions": [
      "log_id": "play",
      "url": "div-action://video?id=new_video&action=start"

In this example, the video starts playing when you click the image. The aiv-action action call parameters:

  • path: video: Indicates that the action is performed on a video element.

  • id: new_video: The ID of the video element the action is performed on.

  • action: start: The action that's performed over the video. In this case, video playback starts. Supported action parameter values for the video element:

    • start
    • pause

How to connect a video player

With DivKit, you can use a standard player or your own to. The latter comes in handy, for example, when you want to play videos in a format that's not supported by the standard player.

Standard player

By default, DivKit uses a standard player for all platforms except Android, where you need to connect the player explicitly.


DivKit uses ExoPlayer as a standard player for Android.

Because ExoPlayer initialization is a heavy operation, the player is only connected when you explicitly specify it in the DivConfiguration class. If you don't plan to use a video player in your app, don't call the .divPlayerFactory method in the DivConfiguration class builder.

To work with the standard player, pass ExoDivPlayerFactory from the package to the DivConfiguration builder as a .divPlayerFactory() method argument.

The DivConfiguration class for supporting video will generally look like this:


If you don't connect the player in the DivConfiguration class, there will be an empty block in place of and the same size as the player when rendering the screen with the video element.

Other platforms

On platforms other than Android, you don't need to explicitly call the .divPlayerFactory() method to use the standard player. When creating a video element, the platform-standard video player is used by default.

Custom player support

To connect your own video player to DivKit, create a factory that provides a player and a view for it at the request of the DivKit app. The factory must be a descendant of the DivPlayerFactory class.

The video player created by the factory must implement the DivPlayer interface and thus be a proxy for calls from DivKit. To take one example, here's how DivPlayer methods for ExoPlayer are implemented in Kotlin.

See sample code
val player: ExoPlayer by lazy {

     override fun play() {

     override fun pause() {

     override fun seek(toMs: Long) {

     override fun setSource(sourceVariants: List<DivVideoSource>, config: DivPlayerPlaybackConfig) {
     val mediaSource = sourceVariants.toMediaSource()


     override fun release() {

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