
Pager. It contains a horizontal set of cards that can be scrolled page by page. It shows the main page and the beginning of the next one.


Parameters Description


Required parameter.

Type of calculation of the main page width:

  • fixed — from the fixed width of the next page neighbour_page_width;
  • percentage — from the percentage value page_width.
  • The value has the type div-pager-layout-mode.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.

    List of possible values:

  • div-page-size
  • div-neighbour-page-size
  • type


    Required parameter.

    The value must always be pager.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.



    Accessibility settings.

    The value has the type div-accessibility.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.



    Horizontal alignment of an element inside the parent element.

    Possible values: left, center, right, start, end.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.



    Vertical alignment of an element inside the parent element.

    Possible values: top, center, bottom, baseline.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.



    Transparency of whole element: 0 — completely transparent, 1 — opaque.

    Restriction for the value x: x >= 0.0 && x <= 1.0.

    Default value: 1.0.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.



    Declaration of animators that can be used to change the value of variables over time.

    Functionality is under development.

    List of possible values:

  • div-color-animator
  • div-number-animator
  • background


    Element background. It can contain multiple layers.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.

    List of possible values:

  • div-linear-gradient
  • div-radial-gradient
  • div-image-background
  • div-solid-background
  • div-nine-patch-background
  • border


    Element stroke.

    The value has the type div-border.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.



    Merges cells in a column of the grid element.

    Restriction for the value x: x >= 0.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.



    Ordinal number of the pager element that will be opened by default.

    Restriction for the value x: x >= 0.

    Default value: 0.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.



    Actions when an element disappears from the screen.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.



    Extensions for additional processing of an element. The list of extensions is given in DivExtension.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.



    Parameters when focusing on an element or losing focus.

    The value has the type div-focus.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.



    Element height. For Android: if there is text in this or in a child element, specify height in sp to scale the element together with the text. To learn more about units of size measurement, see Layout inside the card.

    The value has the type div-size.

    Default value: {"type": "wrap_content"}.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.

    List of possible values:

  • div-fixed-size
  • div-match-parent-size
  • div-wrap-content-size
  • id


    Element ID. It must be unique within the root element. It is used as accessibilityIdentifier on iOS.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.



    Enables infinite scrolling of cards. Scrolling is looped: after the last card is displayed, it starts over again.

    Default value: false.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS.



    Sets collection elements dynamically using data and prototypes.

    The value has the type div-collection-item-builder.

    Available platforms: iOS.



    Spacing between elements.

    The value has the type div-fixed-size.

    Default value: {"type": "fixed","value":0}.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.



    Pager elements. Page-by-page transition options can be implemented using:

  • div-action://set_current_item?id=&item= — set the current page with an ordinal number item inside an element, with the specified id;
  • div-action://set_next_item?id=[&overflow={clamp|ring}] — go to the next page inside an element, with the specified id;
  • div-action://set_previous_item?id=[&overflow={clamp|ring}] — go to the previous page inside an element, with the specified id.
  • The optional overflow parameter is used to set navigation when the first or last element is reached:

  • clamp — transition will stop at the border element;
  • ring — go to the beginning or end, depending on the current element.
  • By default, clamp.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.

    List of possible values:

  • div-image
  • div-gif-image
  • div-text
  • div-separator
  • div-container
  • div-grid
  • div-gallery
  • div-pager
  • div-tabs
  • div-state
  • div-custom
  • div-indicator
  • div-slider
  • div-input
  • div-select
  • div-video
  • layout_provider


    Provides element real size values after a layout cycle.

    The value has the type div-layout-provider.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS.



    External margins from the element stroke.

    The value has the type div-edge-insets.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.



    Pager orientation.

    Possible values: horizontal, vertical.

    Default value: horizontal.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.



    Internal margins from the element stroke.

    The value has the type div-edge-insets.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.



    Page transformation during movement.

    The value has the type div-page-transformation.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS.

    List of possible values:

  • div-page-transformation-slide
  • div-page-transformation-overlap
  • restrict_parent_scroll


    If the parameter is enabled, the pager won't transmit the scroll gesture to the parent element.

    Default value: false.

    Available platforms: Android, web.



    Id for the div structure. Used for more optimal reuse of blocks. See reusing blocks

    Available platforms: Android, iOS.



    Merges cells in a string of the grid element.

    Restriction for the value x: x >= 0.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.



    List of actions to be executed when selecting an element in pager.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.



    Tooltips linked to an element. A tooltip can be shown by div-action://show_tooltip?id=, hidden by div-action://hide_tooltip?id= where id — tooltip id.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.



    Applies the passed transformation to the element. Content that doesn't fit into the original view area is cut off.

    The value has the type div-transform.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.



    Change animation. It is played when the position or size of an element changes in the new layout.

    The value has the type div-change-transition.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.

    List of possible values:

  • div-change-set-transition
  • div-change-bounds-transition
  • transition_in


    Appearance animation. It is played when an element with a new ID appears. To learn more about the concept of transitions, see Animated transitions.

    The value has the type div-appearance-transition.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.

    List of possible values:

  • div-appearance-set-transition
  • div-fade-transition
  • div-scale-transition
  • div-slide-transition
  • transition_out


    Disappearance animation. It is played when an element disappears in the new layout.

    The value has the type div-appearance-transition.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.

    List of possible values:

  • div-appearance-set-transition
  • div-fade-transition
  • div-scale-transition
  • div-slide-transition
  • transition_triggers


    Animation starting triggers. Default value: [state_change, visibility_change].

    An array must not be empty.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.



    Triggers for changing variables within an element.

    Available platforms: iOS.



    Definition of variables that can be used within this element. These variables, defined in the array, can only be used inside this element and its children.

    Available platforms: iOS.

    List of possible values:

  • string_variable
  • number_variable
  • integer_variable
  • boolean_variable
  • color_variable
  • url_variable
  • dict_variable
  • array_variable
  • visibility


    Element visibility.

    Possible values: visible, invisible, gone.

    Default value: visible.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.



    Tracking visibility of a single element. Not used if the visibility_actions parameter is set.

    The value has the type div-visibility-action.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.



    Actions when an element appears on the screen.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.



    Element width.

    The value has the type div-size.

    Default value: {"type": "match_parent"}.

    Available platforms: Android, iOS, web.

    List of possible values:

  • div-fixed-size
  • div-match-parent-size
  • div-wrap-content-size
  • JSON
      type*: "pager",
      accessibility: {
        description: "string",
        hint: "string",
        mode: "string",
        mute_after_action: "bool_int",
        state_description: "string",
        type: "string"
      alignment_horizontal: "string",
      alignment_vertical: "string",
      alpha: "number",
      animators: [ div-animator, ... ],
      background: [ div-background, ... ],
      border: {
        corner_radius: "int",
        corners_radius: {
          bottom-left: "int",
          bottom-right: "int",
          top-left: "int",
          top-right: "int"
        has_shadow: "bool_int",
        shadow: {
          alpha: "number",
          blur: "int",
          color: "string",
          offset*: {
            x*: {
              unit: "string",
              value*: "number"
            y*: {
              unit: "string",
              value*: "number"
        stroke: {
          color*: "string",
          unit: "string",
          width: "number"
      column_span: "int",
      default_item: "int",
      disappear_actions: [
          disappear_duration: "int",
          download_callbacks: {
            on_fail_actions: [
                download_callbacks: div-download-callbacks,
                is_enabled: "bool_int",
                log_id*: "string",
                log_url: "string",
                menu_items: [
                    action: div-action,
                    actions: [ div-action, ... ],
                    text*: "string"
                payload: "object",
                referer: "string",
                target: "string",
                typed: div-action-typed,
                url: "string"
            on_success_actions: [
                download_callbacks: div-download-callbacks,
                is_enabled: "bool_int",
                log_id*: "string",
                log_url: "string",
                menu_items: [
                    action: div-action,
                    actions: [ div-action, ... ],
                    text*: "string"
                payload: "object",
                referer: "string",
                target: "string",
                typed: div-action-typed,
                url: "string"
          is_enabled: "bool_int",
          log_id*: "string",
          log_limit: "int",
          payload: "object",
          referer: "string",
          typed: div-action-typed,
          url: "string",
          visibility_percentage: "int"
      extensions: [
          id*: "string",
          params: "object"
      focus: {
        background: [ div-background, ... ],
        border: {
          corner_radius: "int",
          corners_radius: {
            bottom-left: "int",
            bottom-right: "int",
            top-left: "int",
            top-right: "int"
          has_shadow: "bool_int",
          shadow: {
            alpha: "number",
            blur: "int",
            color: "string",
            offset*: {
              x*: {
                unit: "string",
                value*: "number"
              y*: {
                unit: "string",
                value*: "number"
          stroke: {
            color*: "string",
            unit: "string",
            width: "number"
        next_focus_ids: {
          down: "string",
          forward: "string",
          left: "string",
          right: "string",
          up: "string"
        on_blur: [
            download_callbacks: {
              on_fail_actions: [ div-action, ... ],
              on_success_actions: [ div-action, ... ]
            is_enabled: "bool_int",
            log_id*: "string",
            log_url: "string",
            menu_items: [
                action: div-action,
                actions: [ div-action, ... ],
                text*: "string"
            payload: "object",
            referer: "string",
            target: "string",
            typed: div-action-typed,
            url: "string"
        on_focus: [
            download_callbacks: {
              on_fail_actions: [ div-action, ... ],
              on_success_actions: [ div-action, ... ]
            is_enabled: "bool_int",
            log_id*: "string",
            log_url: "string",
            menu_items: [
                action: div-action,
                actions: [ div-action, ... ],
                text*: "string"
            payload: "object",
            referer: "string",
            target: "string",
            typed: div-action-typed,
            url: "string"
      height: div-size,
      id: "string",
      infinite_scroll: "bool_int",
      item_builder: {
        data*: "raw_array",
        data_element_name: "string",
        prototypes*: [
            div*: div,
            id: "string",
            selector: "bool_int"
      item_spacing: {
        type*: "fixed",
        unit: "string",
        value*: "int"
      items: [ div, ... ],
      layout_mode*: div-pager-layout-mode,
      layout_provider: {
        height_variable_name: "string",
        width_variable_name: "string"
      margins: {
        bottom: "int",
        end: "int",
        left: "int",
        right: "int",
        start: "int",
        top: "int",
        unit: "string"
      orientation: "string",
      paddings: {
        bottom: "int",
        end: "int",
        left: "int",
        right: "int",
        start: "int",
        top: "int",
        unit: "string"
      page_transformation: div-page-transformation,
      restrict_parent_scroll: "bool_int",
      reuse_id: "string",
      row_span: "int",
      selected_actions: [
          download_callbacks: {
            on_fail_actions: [ div-action, ... ],
            on_success_actions: [ div-action, ... ]
          is_enabled: "bool_int",
          log_id*: "string",
          log_url: "string",
          menu_items: [
              action: div-action,
              actions: [ div-action, ... ],
              text*: "string"
          payload: "object",
          referer: "string",
          target: "string",
          typed: div-action-typed,
          url: "string"
      tooltips: [
          animation_in: {
            duration: "int",
            end_value: "number",
            interpolator: "string",
            items: [ div-animation, ... ],
            name*: "string",
            repeat: div-count,
            start_delay: "int",
            start_value: "number"
          animation_out: {
            duration: "int",
            end_value: "number",
            interpolator: "string",
            items: [ div-animation, ... ],
            name*: "string",
            repeat: div-count,
            start_delay: "int",
            start_value: "number"
          div*: div,
          duration: "int",
          id*: "string",
          offset: {
            x*: {
              unit: "string",
              value*: "number"
            y*: {
              unit: "string",
              value*: "number"
          position*: "string"
      transform: {
        pivot_x: div-pivot,
        pivot_y: div-pivot,
        rotation: "number"
      transition_change: div-change-transition,
      transition_in: div-appearance-transition,
      transition_out: div-appearance-transition,
      transition_triggers: [ "string", ... ],
      variable_triggers: [
          actions*: [
              download_callbacks: {
                on_fail_actions: [ div-action, ... ],
                on_success_actions: [ div-action, ... ]
              is_enabled: "bool_int",
              log_id*: "string",
              log_url: "string",
              menu_items: [
                  action: div-action,
                  actions: [ div-action, ... ],
                  text*: "string"
              payload: "object",
              referer: "string",
              target: "string",
              typed: div-action-typed,
              url: "string"
          condition*: "bool_int",
          mode: "string"
      variables: [ div-variable, ... ],
      visibility: "string",
      visibility_action: {
        download_callbacks: {
          on_fail_actions: [
              download_callbacks: div-download-callbacks,
              is_enabled: "bool_int",
              log_id*: "string",
              log_url: "string",
              menu_items: [
                  action: div-action,
                  actions: [ div-action, ... ],
                  text*: "string"
              payload: "object",
              referer: "string",
              target: "string",
              typed: div-action-typed,
              url: "string"
          on_success_actions: [
              download_callbacks: div-download-callbacks,
              is_enabled: "bool_int",
              log_id*: "string",
              log_url: "string",
              menu_items: [
                  action: div-action,
                  actions: [ div-action, ... ],
                  text*: "string"
              payload: "object",
              referer: "string",
              target: "string",
              typed: div-action-typed,
              url: "string"
        is_enabled: "bool_int",
        log_id*: "string",
        log_limit: "int",
        payload: "object",
        referer: "string",
        typed: div-action-typed,
        url: "string",
        visibility_duration: "int",
        visibility_percentage: "int"
      visibility_actions: [
          download_callbacks: {
            on_fail_actions: [
                download_callbacks: div-download-callbacks,
                is_enabled: "bool_int",
                log_id*: "string",
                log_url: "string",
                menu_items: [
                    action: div-action,
                    actions: [ div-action, ... ],
                    text*: "string"
                payload: "object",
                referer: "string",
                target: "string",
                typed: div-action-typed,
                url: "string"
            on_success_actions: [
                download_callbacks: div-download-callbacks,
                is_enabled: "bool_int",
                log_id*: "string",
                log_url: "string",
                menu_items: [
                    action: div-action,
                    actions: [ div-action, ... ],
                    text*: "string"
                payload: "object",
                referer: "string",
                target: "string",
                typed: div-action-typed,
                url: "string"
          is_enabled: "bool_int",
          log_id*: "string",
          log_limit: "int",
          payload: "object",
          referer: "string",
          typed: div-action-typed,
          url: "string",
          visibility_duration: "int",
          visibility_percentage: "int"
      width: div-size