
The pages are stacked when the pager is scrolled overlapping each other.


Parameters Description


Required parameter.

The value must always be overlap.



Tranformation speed nature. When the value is set to spring — animation of damping fluctuations cut to 0.7 with the damping=1 parameter. Other options correspond to the Bezier curve:

  • linear — cubic-bezier(0, 0, 1, 1);
  • ease — cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1);
  • ease_in — cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 1, 1);
  • ease_out — cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1);
  • ease_in_out — cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1).
  • Possible values: linear, ease, ease_in, ease_out, ease_in_out, spring.

    Default value: ease_in_out.



    Minimum alpha of the next page during pager scrolling in bounds [0, 1]. The next page is always a page with a large sequential number in the list of items, regardless of the direction of scrolling.

    Restriction for the value x: x >= 0.0 && x <= 1.0.

    Default value: 1.0.



    Scale of the next page during pager scrolling. The next page is always a page with a large sequential number in the list of items, regardless of the direction of scrolling.

    Restriction for the value x: x >= 0.0.

    Default value: 1.0.



    Minimum alpha of the previous page during pager scrolling in bounds [0, 1]. The previous page is always a page with a lower sequential number in the list of items, regardless of the direction of scrolling.

    Restriction for the value x: x >= 0.0 && x <= 1.0.

    Default value: 1.0.



    Scale of the previous page during pager scrolling. The previous page is always a page with a lower sequential number in the list of items, regardless of the direction of scrolling.

    Restriction for the value x: x >= 0.0.

    Default value: 1.0.



    If the value set to false, the next pages will be stacked on top the previous ones. If the value set to true, then the opposite will occur. The next page is always a page with a large sequential number in the list of items, regardless of the direction of scrolling.

    Default value: false.

      type*: "overlap",
      interpolator: "string",
      next_page_alpha: "number",
      next_page_scale: "number",
      previous_page_alpha: "number",
      previous_page_scale: "number",
      reversed_stacking_order: "bool_int"