Parameters | Description |
image_url |
string Required parameter. Direct URL to an image. The value must be a valid URL. |
type |
string Required parameter. The value must always be |
accessibility |
object Accessibility settings. The value has the type Available platforms: Android, iOS, web. |
action |
object One action when clicking on an element. Not used if the The value has the type |
action_animation |
object Click animation. The web only supports the following values: The value has the type Default value: Available platforms: Android, iOS, web. |
actions |
array Multiple actions when clicking on an element. |
alignment_horizontal |
string Horizontal alignment of an element inside the parent element. Possible values: |
alignment_vertical |
string Vertical alignment of an element inside the parent element. Possible values: |
alpha |
number Sets transparency of the entire element: Restriction for the value Default value: |
animators |
array Declaration of animators that change variable values over time. Available platforms: Android, iOS, web. List of possible values: |
appearance_animation |
object Transparency animation when loading an image. The value has the type Available platforms: Android, iOS, web. |
aspect |
object Fixed aspect ratio. The element's height is calculated based on the width, ignoring the The value has the type |
background |
array Element background. It can contain multiple layers. List of possible values: |
border |
object Element stroke. The value has the type |
capture_focus_on_action |
bool If the value is: true - when the element action is activated, the focus will be moved to that element. That means that the accessibility focus will be moved and the virtual keyboard will be hidden, unless the target element implies its presence (e.g. input ).false - when you click on an element, the focus will remain on the currently focused element.Default value: Functionality is under development. |
column_span |
int Merges cells in a column of the grid element. Restriction for the value Available platforms: Android, iOS, web. |
content_alignment_horizontal |
string Horizontal image alignment. Possible values: Default value: |
content_alignment_vertical |
string Vertical image alignment. Possible values: Default value: |
disappear_actions |
array Actions when an element disappears from the screen. Available platforms: Android, iOS, web. |
doubletap_actions |
array Action when double-clicking on an element. Available platforms: Android, iOS, web. |
extensions |
array Extensions for additional processing of an element. The list of extensions is given in DivExtension. Available platforms: Android, iOS, web. |
filters |
array Image filters. List of possible values: |
focus |
object Parameters when focusing on an element or losing focus. The value has the type |
functions |
array User functions. Available platforms: Android, iOS, web. |
height |
object Element height. For Android: if there is text in this or in a child element, specify height in The value has the type Default value: List of possible values: |
high_priority_preview_show |
bool_int It sets the priority of displaying the preview — the preview is decoded in the main stream and displayed as the first frame. Use the parameter carefully — it will worsen the preview display time and can worsen the application launch time. Default value: Available platforms: Android, iOS. |
hover_end_actions |
array Actions performed after hovering over an element. Available on platforms that support pointing devices (such as a mouse or stylus). Available platforms: web, Android. |
hover_start_actions |
array Actions performed when hovering over an element. Available on platforms that support pointing devices (such as a mouse or stylus). Available platforms: web, Android. |
id |
string Element ID. It must be unique within the root element. It is used as |
layout_provider |
object Provides data on the actual size of the element. The value has the type Available platforms: Android, iOS, web. |
longtap_actions |
array Action when long-clicking an element. Doesn't work on devices that don't support touch gestures. Available platforms: Android, iOS, web. |
margins |
object External margins from the element stroke. The value has the type |
paddings |
object Internal margins from the element stroke. The value has the type |
placeholder_color |
string Placeholder background before the image is loaded. Valid formats: Default value: Available platforms: Android, iOS, web. |
preload_required |
bool_int Background image must be loaded before the display. Default value: Available platforms: Android, web. |
press_end_actions |
array Actions performed after clicking/tapping an element. Available platforms: web, Android. |
press_start_actions |
array Actions performed at the start of a click/tap on an element. Available platforms: web, Android. |
preview |
string Image preview encoded in Available platforms: Android, iOS, web. |
reuse_id |
string ID for the div object structure. Used to optimize block reuse. See block reuse. Available platforms: Android, iOS. |
row_span |
int Merges cells in a string of the grid element. Restriction for the value Available platforms: Android, iOS, web. |
scale |
string Image scaling: fit places the entire image into the element (free space is filled with background);fill scales the image to the element size and cuts off the excess.Possible values: Default value: |
selected_actions |
array List of actions to be executed when selecting an element in pager. Available platforms: Android, iOS, web. |
tint_color |
string New color of a contour image. Valid formats: |
tint_mode |
string Blend mode of the color specified in Possible values: Default value: |
tooltips |
array Tooltips linked to an element. A tooltip can be shown by Available platforms: Android, iOS, web. |
transform |
object Applies the passed transformation to the element. Content that doesn't fit into the original view area is cut off. The value has the type Available platforms: Android, iOS, web. |
transition_change |
object Change animation. It is played when the position or size of an element changes in the new layout. The value has the type Available platforms: Android, iOS, web. List of possible values: |
transition_in |
object Appearance animation. It is played when an element with a new ID appears. To learn more about the concept of transitions, see Animated transitions. The value has the type Available platforms: Android, iOS, web. List of possible values: |
transition_out |
object Disappearance animation. It is played when an element disappears in the new layout. The value has the type Available platforms: Android, iOS, web. List of possible values: |
transition_triggers |
array Animation starting triggers. Default value: An array must not be empty. Available platforms: Android, iOS, web. |
variable_triggers |
array Triggers for changing variables within an element. Available platforms: Android, iOS, web. |
variables |
array Declaration of variables that can be used within an element. Variables declared in this array can only be used within the element and its child elements. Available platforms: iOS, web, Android. List of possible values: |
visibility |
string Element visibility. Possible values: Default value: |
visibility_action |
object Tracking visibility of a single element. Not used if the The value has the type |
visibility_actions |
array Actions when an element appears on the screen. |
width |
object Element width. The value has the type Default value: List of possible values: |
type*: "image",
accessibility: {
description: "string",
hint: "string",
is_checked: "bool_int",
mode: "string",
mute_after_action: "bool_int",
state_description: "string",
type: "string"
action: {
download_callbacks: {
on_fail_actions: [ div-action, ... ],
on_success_actions: [ div-action, ... ]
is_enabled: "bool_int",
log_id*: "string",
log_url: "string",
menu_items: [
action: div-action,
actions: [ div-action, ... ],
text*: "string"
payload: "object",
referer: "string",
scope_id: "string",
target: "string",
typed: div-action-typed,
url: "string"
action_animation: {
duration: "int",
end_value: "number",
interpolator: "string",
items: [ div-animation, ... ],
name*: "string",
repeat: div-count,
start_delay: "int",
start_value: "number"
actions: [
download_callbacks: {
on_fail_actions: [ div-action, ... ],
on_success_actions: [ div-action, ... ]
is_enabled: "bool_int",
log_id*: "string",
log_url: "string",
menu_items: [
action: div-action,
actions: [ div-action, ... ],
text*: "string"
payload: "object",
referer: "string",
scope_id: "string",
target: "string",
typed: div-action-typed,
url: "string"
alignment_horizontal: "string",
alignment_vertical: "string",
alpha: "number",
animators: [ div-animator, ... ],
appearance_animation: {
type*: "fade",
alpha: "number",
duration: "int",
interpolator: "string",
start_delay: "int"
aspect: {
ratio*: "number"
background: [ div-background, ... ],
border: {
corner_radius: "int",
corners_radius: {
bottom-left: "int",
bottom-right: "int",
top-left: "int",
top-right: "int"
has_shadow: "bool_int",
shadow: {
alpha: "number",
blur: "int",
color: "string",
offset*: {
x*: {
unit: "string",
value*: "number"
y*: {
unit: "string",
value*: "number"
stroke: {
color*: "string",
style: div-stroke-style,
unit: "string",
width: "number"
capture_focus_on_action: "bool",
column_span: "int",
content_alignment_horizontal: "string",
content_alignment_vertical: "string",
disappear_actions: [
disappear_duration: "int",
download_callbacks: {
on_fail_actions: [
download_callbacks: div-download-callbacks,
is_enabled: "bool_int",
log_id*: "string",
log_url: "string",
menu_items: [
action: div-action,
actions: [ div-action, ... ],
text*: "string"
payload: "object",
referer: "string",
scope_id: "string",
target: "string",
typed: div-action-typed,
url: "string"
on_success_actions: [
download_callbacks: div-download-callbacks,
is_enabled: "bool_int",
log_id*: "string",
log_url: "string",
menu_items: [
action: div-action,
actions: [ div-action, ... ],
text*: "string"
payload: "object",
referer: "string",
scope_id: "string",
target: "string",
typed: div-action-typed,
url: "string"
is_enabled: "bool_int",
log_id*: "string",
log_limit: "int",
payload: "object",
referer: "string",
scope_id: "string",
typed: div-action-typed,
url: "string",
visibility_percentage: "int"
doubletap_actions: [
download_callbacks: {
on_fail_actions: [ div-action, ... ],
on_success_actions: [ div-action, ... ]
is_enabled: "bool_int",
log_id*: "string",
log_url: "string",
menu_items: [
action: div-action,
actions: [ div-action, ... ],
text*: "string"
payload: "object",
referer: "string",
scope_id: "string",
target: "string",
typed: div-action-typed,
url: "string"
extensions: [
id*: "string",
params: "object"
filters: [ div-filter, ... ],
focus: {
background: [ div-background, ... ],
border: {
corner_radius: "int",
corners_radius: {
bottom-left: "int",
bottom-right: "int",
top-left: "int",
top-right: "int"
has_shadow: "bool_int",
shadow: {
alpha: "number",
blur: "int",
color: "string",
offset*: {
x*: {
unit: "string",
value*: "number"
y*: {
unit: "string",
value*: "number"
stroke: {
color*: "string",
style: div-stroke-style,
unit: "string",
width: "number"
next_focus_ids: {
down: "string",
forward: "string",
left: "string",
right: "string",
up: "string"
on_blur: [
download_callbacks: {
on_fail_actions: [ div-action, ... ],
on_success_actions: [ div-action, ... ]
is_enabled: "bool_int",
log_id*: "string",
log_url: "string",
menu_items: [
action: div-action,
actions: [ div-action, ... ],
text*: "string"
payload: "object",
referer: "string",
scope_id: "string",
target: "string",
typed: div-action-typed,
url: "string"
on_focus: [
download_callbacks: {
on_fail_actions: [ div-action, ... ],
on_success_actions: [ div-action, ... ]
is_enabled: "bool_int",
log_id*: "string",
log_url: "string",
menu_items: [
action: div-action,
actions: [ div-action, ... ],
text*: "string"
payload: "object",
referer: "string",
scope_id: "string",
target: "string",
typed: div-action-typed,
url: "string"
functions: [
arguments*: [
name*: "string",
type*: "string"
body*: "string",
name*: "string",
return_type*: "string"
height: div-size,
high_priority_preview_show: "bool_int",
hover_end_actions: [
download_callbacks: {
on_fail_actions: [ div-action, ... ],
on_success_actions: [ div-action, ... ]
is_enabled: "bool_int",
log_id*: "string",
log_url: "string",
menu_items: [
action: div-action,
actions: [ div-action, ... ],
text*: "string"
payload: "object",
referer: "string",
scope_id: "string",
target: "string",
typed: div-action-typed,
url: "string"
hover_start_actions: [
download_callbacks: {
on_fail_actions: [ div-action, ... ],
on_success_actions: [ div-action, ... ]
is_enabled: "bool_int",
log_id*: "string",
log_url: "string",
menu_items: [
action: div-action,
actions: [ div-action, ... ],
text*: "string"
payload: "object",
referer: "string",
scope_id: "string",
target: "string",
typed: div-action-typed,
url: "string"
id: "string",
image_url*: "string",
layout_provider: {
height_variable_name: "string",
width_variable_name: "string"
longtap_actions: [
download_callbacks: {
on_fail_actions: [ div-action, ... ],
on_success_actions: [ div-action, ... ]
is_enabled: "bool_int",
log_id*: "string",
log_url: "string",
menu_items: [
action: div-action,
actions: [ div-action, ... ],
text*: "string"
payload: "object",
referer: "string",
scope_id: "string",
target: "string",
typed: div-action-typed,
url: "string"
margins: {
bottom: "int",
end: "int",
left: "int",
right: "int",
start: "int",
top: "int",
unit: "string"
paddings: {
bottom: "int",
end: "int",
left: "int",
right: "int",
start: "int",
top: "int",
unit: "string"
placeholder_color: "string",
preload_required: "bool_int",
press_end_actions: [
download_callbacks: {
on_fail_actions: [ div-action, ... ],
on_success_actions: [ div-action, ... ]
is_enabled: "bool_int",
log_id*: "string",
log_url: "string",
menu_items: [
action: div-action,
actions: [ div-action, ... ],
text*: "string"
payload: "object",
referer: "string",
scope_id: "string",
target: "string",
typed: div-action-typed,
url: "string"
press_start_actions: [
download_callbacks: {
on_fail_actions: [ div-action, ... ],
on_success_actions: [ div-action, ... ]
is_enabled: "bool_int",
log_id*: "string",
log_url: "string",
menu_items: [
action: div-action,
actions: [ div-action, ... ],
text*: "string"
payload: "object",
referer: "string",
scope_id: "string",
target: "string",
typed: div-action-typed,
url: "string"
preview: "string",
reuse_id: "string",
row_span: "int",
scale: "string",
selected_actions: [
download_callbacks: {
on_fail_actions: [ div-action, ... ],
on_success_actions: [ div-action, ... ]
is_enabled: "bool_int",
log_id*: "string",
log_url: "string",
menu_items: [
action: div-action,
actions: [ div-action, ... ],
text*: "string"
payload: "object",
referer: "string",
scope_id: "string",
target: "string",
typed: div-action-typed,
url: "string"
tint_color: "string",
tint_mode: "string",
tooltips: [
animation_in: {
duration: "int",
end_value: "number",
interpolator: "string",
items: [ div-animation, ... ],
name*: "string",
repeat: div-count,
start_delay: "int",
start_value: "number"
animation_out: {
duration: "int",
end_value: "number",
interpolator: "string",
items: [ div-animation, ... ],
name*: "string",
repeat: div-count,
start_delay: "int",
start_value: "number"
background_accessibility_description: "string",
close_by_tap_outside: "bool",
div*: div,
duration: "int",
id*: "string",
mode: div-tooltip-mode,
offset: {
x*: {
unit: "string",
value*: "number"
y*: {
unit: "string",
value*: "number"
position*: "string",
tap_outside_actions: [
download_callbacks: {
on_fail_actions: [ div-action, ... ],
on_success_actions: [ div-action, ... ]
is_enabled: "bool_int",
log_id*: "string",
log_url: "string",
menu_items: [
action: div-action,
actions: [ div-action, ... ],
text*: "string"
payload: "object",
referer: "string",
scope_id: "string",
target: "string",
typed: div-action-typed,
url: "string"
transform: {
pivot_x: div-pivot,
pivot_y: div-pivot,
rotation: "number"
transition_change: div-change-transition,
transition_in: div-appearance-transition,
transition_out: div-appearance-transition,
transition_triggers: [ "string", ... ],
variable_triggers: [
actions*: [
download_callbacks: {
on_fail_actions: [ div-action, ... ],
on_success_actions: [ div-action, ... ]
is_enabled: "bool_int",
log_id*: "string",
log_url: "string",
menu_items: [
action: div-action,
actions: [ div-action, ... ],
text*: "string"
payload: "object",
referer: "string",
scope_id: "string",
target: "string",
typed: div-action-typed,
url: "string"
condition*: "bool_int",
mode: "string"
variables: [ div-variable, ... ],
visibility: "string",
visibility_action: {
download_callbacks: {
on_fail_actions: [
download_callbacks: div-download-callbacks,
is_enabled: "bool_int",
log_id*: "string",
log_url: "string",
menu_items: [
action: div-action,
actions: [ div-action, ... ],
text*: "string"
payload: "object",
referer: "string",
scope_id: "string",
target: "string",
typed: div-action-typed,
url: "string"
on_success_actions: [
download_callbacks: div-download-callbacks,
is_enabled: "bool_int",
log_id*: "string",
log_url: "string",
menu_items: [
action: div-action,
actions: [ div-action, ... ],
text*: "string"
payload: "object",
referer: "string",
scope_id: "string",
target: "string",
typed: div-action-typed,
url: "string"
is_enabled: "bool_int",
log_id*: "string",
log_limit: "int",
payload: "object",
referer: "string",
scope_id: "string",
typed: div-action-typed,
url: "string",
visibility_duration: "int",
visibility_percentage: "int"
visibility_actions: [
download_callbacks: {
on_fail_actions: [
download_callbacks: div-download-callbacks,
is_enabled: "bool_int",
log_id*: "string",
log_url: "string",
menu_items: [
action: div-action,
actions: [ div-action, ... ],
text*: "string"
payload: "object",
referer: "string",
scope_id: "string",
target: "string",
typed: div-action-typed,
url: "string"
on_success_actions: [
download_callbacks: div-download-callbacks,
is_enabled: "bool_int",
log_id*: "string",
log_url: "string",
menu_items: [
action: div-action,
actions: [ div-action, ... ],
text*: "string"
payload: "object",
referer: "string",
scope_id: "string",
target: "string",
typed: div-action-typed,
url: "string"
is_enabled: "bool_int",
log_id*: "string",
log_limit: "int",
payload: "object",
referer: "string",
scope_id: "string",
typed: div-action-typed,
url: "string",
visibility_duration: "int",
visibility_percentage: "int"
width: div-size