Interactive elements


The slider element is a scale that lets you select values within a certain range. The scale can have one or two indicators.

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The scale style is configured in the thumb_style field.

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You can change the scale's track style in the following fields:

  • track_active_style: Sets the left-side track style for scales with one indicator, or the center-aligned track style for scales with two indicators.
  • track_inactive_style: Sets the style for the rest of the scale.

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You can add a second indicator using the thumb_secondary_style parameter.

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To display the currently selected value on the indicator, set the thumb_text_style field. You can set the text style for the second indicator in the thumb_secondary_text_style field.

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You can track changes in the value of indicators and perform actions when changes occur:

  • thumb_value_changed_actions: Actions triggered when the first indicator changes.
  • thumb_value_secondary_changed_actions: Actions triggered when the second indicator changes.

The indicator values can be accessed via @{this.thumb_value} and @{this.thumb_secondary_value} in the action description.

In the following example, text transparency changes as the indicator moves:

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You can add ticks to your slider scale:

  • tick_mark_active_style: Tick style for the selected range.
  • tick_mark_inactive_style: Tick style outside the selected range.

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